Gallarate, maxi fight in the center: young people arrived by train to beat each other up

The center of Gallarate during the fight: image taken from a video

Gallarate (Varese), 10 January 2021 – The desire to lead hands and the aggressiveness of the pack. First manifested on social media with a series of messages, then materialized in the maxi-brawl in the center of Gallarate. It is a hunt for the promoters of the gathering that on Friday afternoon transformed squares and streets into a real ring in which to compete with baseball bats and chains. Scenes that have left both citizens and the municipal administration dismayed, now being investigated by the State Police. What emerged after just over 24 hours from the events is that the participants, the vast majority between the ages of 12 and 18, they arrived in Gallarate mostly by train from various municipalities, both in the province of Varese and that of Milan.

To put the investigators on the right track, first of all the local police, then the agents led by the manager Luigi Marsico, were some students who, however, would not have taken part in the “clashes”. They would have been worried about the rumors circulating in school environments about the appointment since Friday morning, to report it to the parents. Which, in turn, reported it to the police. Secondly, several commuters told investigators that they had crossed paths numerous groups of very young people on various trains to Varese, many of them without a mask and with beer in hand. A traveler, about an hour before the violence broke out, wrote a post on the net explaining that he was unpleasantly impressed by a horde of out-of-control youngsters on a Trenord convoy. He did not know that those kids a little later would have poured like furies into the streets to clash with other very young people, perhaps for avenge a beating happened a couple of days before or for issues related to “cheats” with the girls.

In the general confusion, a 14-year-old Albanian was not seriously injured, presumably hit in the head with the aluminum baseball bat seized by local police officers. The same minor, heard by the investigators, reported that he found himself in the midst of the fight in spite of himself. In the prosecutor’s office in Busto Arsizio was opened a file on the affair (at the moment against unknown persons, but at least one of the contenders, an adult, has already been identified). Dozens of testimonials are being examined as well as the images recorded by video surveillance cameras. Checks also on the films “shot” by the spectators of the riot.


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