From LeBron to Durant, everyone criticizes Shaq for his words about Mitchell

The words addressed by Shaquille O’Neal towards Donovan Mitchell, criticizing him for not being a decisive player in a team nominated for the title, did not go unnoticed by other NBA stars, first of all LeBron James and Kevin Durant.

“I said earlier that you are one of my favorite players, but you don’t have what it takes to move to the next level, to take the step that takes you from All-Star to key player on a team that is aiming for the title. I said it now on purpose because I wanted you to hear it. What do you have to say about it, what do you think? “, Shaq had declared at the end of the match between Utah Jazz e New Orleans Pelicans.

Mitchell’s response was obviously not long in coming: “All right. I’ve heard this from my rookie year. I just have to give my best and do everything I do to my full potential “.

LeBron and Durant’s answers to Shaq: “There is a difference between constructive criticism and hatred”

Through their Instagram accounts, LeBron and Durant they commented on a post in which the reason for the sensitivity of young people about the “Constructive criticism” of retired players, referring to Shaq’s statements.

“There is a difference between constructive criticism and contempt. I have tried both, especially hatred “James wrote.

“Old people need to enjoy retreat. These guys have coaches they work with every day “, he added the Brooklyn Nets player, specifically addressing another former player like Charles Barkley: “I don’t understand why they still ask for the opinions of this idiot “.

Also Mike Conley, teammate of Donovan Mitchell, wanted to express his opinion on the story: “I’ve always been a huge fan of Donovan and saw the way he has grown, even before I was here. I don’t know how such a statement can be made regarding his progress at such a young age. It has improved every year “.

It should be remembered that at the age of 24 Mitchell is dragging his Jazz, authors of a season start from 11 wins and 4 losses, with 24.3 points, 4.9 assists and 3.9 rebounds average. The Louisville product may not be considered a superstar, but certainly its performance and room for improvement have already allowed it to make its way into the league.


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