Former trainer suspected of rape at athletics clubs: Robert Ménard calls for change

He wants to see the BCAM, of which a former trainer is suspected of rape, change leaders.

Last October, accused of rape by female athletes, then minors, an athletics coach, now 36, was arrested and taken into custody. At the time of the facts, the individual was then working within the Béziers railroad athletics Mediterranean (BCAM). He then joined the ranks of Béziers athletics.

His arrest caused a stir in the field of athletics from Béziers, even regional, the athlete in question being known and having also worn the colors of Agde.

In the wake of this affair, Robert Ménard, the mayor of Béziers, was quick to make himself heard. He quickly asked that the training slots for Béziers athletics, where the respondent was dismissed, be withdrawn.

The subsidy could be cut

As for the leaders of the BCAM, the first magistrate told them that it would be fashionable, until the case is judged, that they withdraw from the game: “This gentleman who was arrested was fired at BCAM”, explains Robert Ménard.

“At that time, the chairman of BCAM was the same as he is today. I am not bringing any charges. The presumption of innocence is the absolute rule. I don’t judge, either. I’m just careful. And prudence leads me to say that a certain number of people should step back, waiting to know what the investigation will lead to. I therefore asked the BCAM that the leaders who were there at the time of the facts whose coach is accused, to withdraw until we see more clearly, because it is out of the question to sanction the 400 or so members of the club who must continue to live normally. , what happened is so serious that we cannot pretend it does not exist. “

The mayor does not hide that he might not renew the annual subsidy paid to BCAM if nothing changes. It amounted to € 17,000, the past year: “I wouldn’t want to be criticized for giving public money to the club without having learned a minimum of lessons from what happened, hammers the first magistrate. I could indeed question the grant. But I don’t want to come to that, it would penalize the club. I just want the current leaders to be savvy. That’s why we contacted them. “

The mayor explains that the sports assistant, Gérard Angeli, was in contact with Vincent Bigel, the president of the BCAM.

He says that for the moment, nothing has changed yet. Knowing that some members of the club have already indicated that they would be ready to take up the torch.

The other structure, the Béziers athletics, was not subsidized by the City. However, the municipality made time slots available to it on the stadiums to be able to organize training. At the town hall, it is claimed that we no longer have any news from the members of the club.


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