Federer is tennis – The preview

The dictionary says that tennis is a sport played with rackets and a small ball. The objective is to hit the ball so that it passes over the net that divides the court in half, trying to prevent the opponent from returning it.

As the language is alive, dynamic and changing, I dare to challenge the Royal Academy and update the definition, or at least suggest a synonym.

The definition of tennis includes it in all its terms and vice versa: Roger Federer IS THE TENNIS.


Federer is excellence, the closest thing to perfection. It is who represents the essence of tennis.

Each stroke has the exact route. The contact of the ball with the strings of his rackets always sound in tune and melodic. Its drive and backhand illustrate the best manuals ever written on the subject.

His serve is final and the geometry of his game seems designed by an architect.

He has a GPS of the court built into his mind to find the space to place the ball where his opponent will surely not reach.

His conduct is exemplary, his humility stood the test of all flattery and flattery. It is an example of validity. He is the best tennis player of this and of all time.

He is motivated by passion, sustained by effort, distinguished by talent. He won everything and his competitive gene pushes him to go for more.

He never tried to stop being the best, he always tried to keep growing. He never kept what he had.

When some physical problems came, many ended it, but his will, his effort, his mentality returned him to his place as the “King of Tennis

Roger Federer brought whiteness back to this game.

His duels against another current legend like Rafael Nadal gave him the counterpoint to make him even bigger.

Roger Federer is to tennis what Mohamed Ali is to boxing, what Diego or Messi is to football, what Michael Jordan is to basketball, what Michel Phelps is to swimming.

Federer doesn’t run, he floats, he glides. He does not hit the ball, he tells him where to hit the strap. You don’t win tournaments, you collect them.

When he raises trophies he cries like a boy, which he achieves by playing like a great.


His art is universal. He is a magician who exchanged his wand for a racket.

They say that talented people make easy what is often difficult for other mortals. Geniuses, like Federer, make easy what is simply impossible for other mortals.

He is a legend of contemporary sports worthy of being enjoyed in his last performances.

In his private life he is a dedicated diaper changing dad.

Tireless subscriber to feats and records, he is playing heads up with the only undefeated the world has known, the passage of time: the years.

It has exhausted all adjectives and has become a proper noun.

Gentlemen of the Royal Academy, allow me the license to update your definition. They are synonymous. The definition of tennis includes it in all its terms and vice versa.

Roger Federer is tennis.



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