Davidovich Fokina dropped from the Australian Open

Alejandro Davidovich Fokina will not play the Australian Open. This was confirmed by the player, this Monday, January 18, on his Instagram. The Spaniard had not yet traveled to Melbourne, because his coronavirus swab tested positive.

Both Davidovich (21, 54th in the world) and his coach tested positive two weeks ago and recovered. Jorge, his coach, had mild symptoms and the tennis player was “practically asymptomatic”.

“We have thought that even with the possibility of traveling in the next 3 days to Australia, going back to quarantine for another two weeks, training for 3 days and playing at the highest level at 5 sets can be dangerous and detrimental for the rest of the season because the probability of injury is very high, “Davidovich posted on his Instagram.

The new panorama of his season would be the following: “We will try to get some WC to play 2 challengers and pick up the rhythm and form to face the indoor tour in the best way.”



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