Current Condition of Persib Bandung Player Gian Zola After Undergoing Operation


Persib Bandung midfielder, Gian Zola.

BOLASPORT.COM – Persib Bandung player Gian Zola has reported his latest condition after undergoing surgery for a torn wound on his left big toe.

Gian Zola’s injury was obtained on Thursday (7/1/2021).

At that time Zola accidentally got into an accident which left the big toe of his left toe torn.

Fortunately, after the accident, the player number 28 was immediately taken to the hospital.

Upon arrival at Al-Islam Hospital, Bandung, Zola immediately underwent treatment and surgery.

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On Thursday (8/1/2021) Zola reported that the operation was running smoothly.

His condition is now getting better.

Furthermore, Zola did not forget to ask for prayers for his recovery.



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