Couples favorites take hold

The second day of the Couples, which has been delayed by the Christmas holidays, has confirmed that the favorites rule. Although the truth is that everything has only just begun. Until late in the spring the unknowns will not be cleared up. The path is long, steep, stony and with many slides and difficulties to avoid.

On Reyes day, the first proposal was announced with a very suggestive confrontation. Olaizola II and Rezusta against Peña II and Albisu. It was the confirmation of the young Gipuzkoan forward against two highly prestigious rivals. It was a very showy crash. No barricades. Played from power to power. Although there were some cracks, so many beautifully made materialized. Peña never lost his face and tutored, over and over again, Goizueta’s all-powerful forward, who ended up winning (22-20) and scoring his second point in the competition. It was a good game where so many beautifully made were produced.

In the old Municipal de Bergara one of the pelotaris, Jokin Altuna, with more inventiveness today, appeared. It has hardly any cracks. He is the owner of a total game and leaves no one indifferent. His waves on the court are unstoppable and he has an added virtue: he senses everything the opponent is going to do. He had as rivals Ezkurdia and Ladis Galarza. A frayed couple. The weight of events fell on Arbizu striker Joseba Ezkurdia. The experts proclaimed that the party was born dead and that it would have very little chicha. That’s how it went. The favorites doubled their opponents (22-11) on the scoreboard. Baraibar’s defender screeched excessively.

In the Bizkaia fronton, Artola was injured. He suffered a concussion on the thigh of his right leg that prevented him from continuing. He formed an alliance with Aranguren against Urrutikoetxea-Imaz. The Guipuzcoan left when the score was unfavorable, 16-22. A real shame.

Last Monday the lock was thrown on this second day in Zalla. Match on sexy paper. With two strikers forwards and always ready for offensive play. Elezkano II and Zabaleta, who gave me the impression that they do not have a very Catholic right wing, defeated Jaka and Martija (22-20). The Biscayan well guarded by Etxarren released two precious ‘besagain’. One of them went to bounce square seven. The four participants treated the ball gently, with high speed, and a showy game.



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