Colombia National Team: Juan Fernand Quintero declarations james Rodríguez and Carlos Queiroz | Colombia selection

In dialogue with the VBAR of Caracol Radio, Juan Fernando Quintero spoke about the difficult internal situation that the Colombian team had in the last two days of Qualifying, the James Rodríguez case and what is coming for his career in the face of the World Cup.

Let us remember that the former River Plate signed a few months ago with the Shenzhen Football Club of China and will soon be able to finally have their first minutes in Asian football. The above in order to be called again for the next challenges of the Selection.

Regarding the painful defeats against Uruguay in Barranquilla and Ecuador in Quito, ‘Juanfer’ assured that there were aspects in which Carlos Queiroz “disrespected” his teammates: “It hurt me a lot to see teammates who left after 30 minutes, we are professionals and it is disrespectful ”.

In this vein, the Antioqueño hinted that the DT-footballers relationship was not quite right after the resounding fall at the Metropolitan and days later “the 6-1 was a sign for everything.”

The situation worsened even more with the rumors of supposed fights within the team. “I spoke with Falcao, with several. I believe that it should be respected when things happen within the group, silence is vital ”, expressed Quintero.

James Rodríguez delved into the subject, taking into account that several versions placed it as the central axis of the conflict: “At that time I did not speak with James, I tried to remain silent to respect that space, to know that someone is suffering.” Of course, he clarified later that “later I will talk to him because he is my friend, I know how important he is for us and as a reference we must help him.”

Leaving aside the issue of players, the 27-year-old creative assured that the Reinaldo Rueda option is interesting because “we know his experience” and took the opportunity to send Queiroz a dart.

“The coach who arrives must come to contribute in the middle of some bases that exist. For a long time we have a path, we are evolving, the one that arrives must give us a new level. No one can get to change everything. A person must come to make us better, but with what we already have. Manage a style like Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay. What’s the use of speaking Spanish, then another comes with another language and so on. Soccer has no mystery, just knowing what you have ”.

Finally, he affirmed that he is ready to play in Chinese football and with it “prepare well to be in the National Team.” His message was clear: “With a lot of respect I think I should be, I want to be and I have helped when I had the opportunity.”



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