Cartagena, natural home of professional basketball | THE UNIVERSAL

DSince professional basketball officially started in Colombia in 1992, Cartagena is the founding venue of this contest and this is a compelling argument for it to be granted the quota for its return to the Professional Basketball League.

History says that the first team of La Heroica in the Professional Cup was Bravos del Norte, as of 1992, which was a great protagonist of this contest.

Bravos del Norte had great Creole players such as Omar Sierra, Álvaro Teherán (RIP), José Ricardo Pacheco, Alfonso Torres, Antonio Cuesta, Gabriel Fuentes, Boris Campillo, Isaac and Antonio Vergel, among others.

The foreigners who are most remembered are: Terence Wheller, José Luis Mendoza and José Sosa.

The Cartagena quintet had great coaches such as Alfonso Barandica, Carlos Gil, Carmelo Ortega and Ángel Porras (RIP).

The first stage of professional basketball in Colombia ended in 2000, because the following year until 2012, the tournament was called the Invitational Cup, where in that period, Cartagena presented the Cangrejeros team in the 2009 and 2010 editions.

In 2013, the tournament was called the Directv Cup and there Cartagena returned to the national arena with the Caribbean Heat quintet, which was led by Plinio Rosero, in the first instance, and then by Javier Gordon. That team only played that year and Cartagena was again without professional basketball. The last Cartagena team that was in the Directv League was Marinos, who was managed by the Mexican Giovanni Rivera in 2015.

In total, the Corralito de Piedra has had four clubs participating in professional basketball in our country, which shows that it is a hundred percent basquetera square.

Corsario aspires to get the quota for the city again, but this objective must be supported by all Cartagena.

Economic and moral muscle is needed for Cartagena to have this show again. Private companies and government entities should shake hands with this team, which belongs to all Cartagena.

Venues that aspire to four spots for the Professional Basketball League in Colombia: Cartagena, Santa Marta, Villavicencio and Armenia.

The decision will be known at the end of January of this year. Four new venues will enter the contest.



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