Apparently swimming Olympic champion involved in assault on Capitol

AIn the assault on the Capitol in Washington, an Olympic swimming champion was apparently involved. Video recordings of the attack by militant supporters of the still-President Donald Trump suggest that the American Klete Keller was part of the angry mob. The now 38-year-old won the gold medal in the 4×200 m freestyle relay with the record Olympic champion Michael Phelps in 2004 and 2008, and in 2000 and 2004 he won bronze over 400 meters as a soloist. In 2004 he set an American freestyle record over 400 meters.

Several American media, including the specialist magazine “Swimming World”, reported on Tuesday that Keller had been recognized on the video material. The video in question comes from the Twitter channel of the American journalist Julio Rosas. You can see an extraordinarily tall, bearded man who is wearing a tracksuit from the American Olympic team and who is very similar to the swimmer. Whether he was involved in violence is not clear from the picture.

According to “Swimming World”, Keller is said to be an avowed Trump fan. His social media channels have now been deleted or can no longer be accessed.

Last Wednesday, angry supporters of the elected Trump stormed the Capitol in the American capital, five people were killed in the riots.



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