Against the virus and the elements: the “San Silvestre” of Avilés survives with 300 participants.

The organizing entity, Athletic AvilesinaHe hopes to get something positive out of so cold and an environmental issue. “We are thinking about it, but it is still possible to give a spin to this format and to add it to the traditional one, for those who do not have the possibility to run here or for the seniors who are too long… we are trying to see ”, Explains the president of the debased entity, Gerardo gonzalez. In any case, and whenever circumstances permit, the traditional race will prevail, which is “the real celebration of popular sports”.

Alba Barreiro and Alicia Currás, checking their times in the application activated by the organization Ricardo Solís

The difficulties were great to motivate the participants, but the gust “Bella” was the auction, with constant showers and strong wind the days before and on December 31st. “We had no luck with the weather. Yesterday (for Thursday), which was the last day, I didn’t invite anything. It took us out and many of those who signed up did not. We did everything we could to motivate people, like the fact that it was good for the food bank ”, confirms the athletic leader of Avilesino, who underlines that “at least it remained, we did not lose an edition”.

Even so, more than three hundred people were encouraged to participate in the three modalities designed by the organization. You can do a marked circuit along the edge of the estuary and the Niemeyer Center or take a free circuit, at the discretion of each runner. In addition, there was a “San Silvestre en famille” modality.

One of the landmarks of the route designed in the Avilesina estuary.

Among the participants stood out the components of Judo Avilés, usual in the end-of-year sporting event. Normally, they would all meet at the Palacio Valdés school and from there they would go to warm up in the Ferrera park. Then they ran according to everyone’s possibilities and at the end took a group photo.

The thing, this time, was a lot less funny. They were grouped in pairs, one of them being formed by Alba Barreiro and Alicia Currás, who met at noon on the 31st. Just in time for the sky to open and a waterspout to accompany them for a much of their circuit.

Alba, who will be 17 in a few days, admits that this time around, she hasn’t enjoyed a test she’s done every year since she was a juvenile. “I think a year I didn’t do it because I had a cast on my arm, but the rest, everything“Says the athlete, who was paired with Alicia because” we’re friends forever and we usually run together because we have a similar level. ”


So they both put on their masks, leggings and warm clothes and set out to walk the designated five kilometers. It rained heavily, but it wasn’t the worst thing for Alba: “He had his cell phone in the club’s raincoat, which doesn’t have zippers in his pockets, and he was grabbing it so that it does not fall. In one of these, he quit the app and didn’t tell me the time. Well, in the end, it’s as if I hadn’t done it, ”laments resignedly, although in a good mood, the young avilesina judoka.

His partner was luckier, and his effort was rewarded by his appearance in the standings, in 65th place on the free circuit, with a time of 29 minutes and 6 seconds.

“We all did it a lot slower than last year, with the wind against us, our shoes weighing a hundred pounds, hail covering your eyes… It was horrible and I never did it like that of my life. There was also a lack of warmth from the people of Calle la Cámara, biting you with other runners… let’s see if next year can be normal, ”says the Aviles athlete.


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