a tip, remember its name because we will talk about it more and more

Last season, for the first time since 1997, Spurs missed the Playoffs. But in the Orlando bubble, the Texan team showed a conquering face with a young and exciting formation, in which a kid named Keldon Johnson was revealed out of the bench, taking advantage in particular of the absence of LaMarcus Aldridge and Trey Lyles. And at the start of the 2020-21 campaign, the sophomore confirms all the good we could think of him.

Young 21-year-old player, drafted at the end of the first round, who amazes with his performance to the point of making a place in the starting five. This is typically the kind of Spurs profile, 20 years ago it was Tony Parker and today it is Keldon Johnson. The comparison stops there of course, but the Kentucky product is the latest nugget straight out of Gregg Popovich’s laboratory. A Gregg Popovich under the spell of the youngster, whom he compares to a wild horse for its energy and activity. Because that’s what Keldon brings every time he sets foot on a parquet floor. No wonder Pop is a fan of the guy, who has played every game since the resumption of hostilities with almost 30 minutes of playing time on average. FYI, only DeMar DeRozan and Dejounte Murray are more used by the Spurs technician today. The young exterior of 1m98 and 100 kilos therefore has an important role in the Texan collective, and he takes the opportunity to perform well as he should. Over 15 points average with 8 rebounds (Spurs top rebounder please), 2.6 assists and 1.3 interceptions, shooting at 47.6% including 41.7% from parking and 85.7% from free throws. Very attractive figures, punctuated in particular by two double-doubles and especially a career scoring record against the Lakers (26 points, with 10 more rebounds), where he even allowed himself a block on LeBron James in person. Clearly, what he showed in the bubble last summer was no luck.

“He’s extraordinary. He is 100% physical and aggressive, and this every minute he spends on the court. He has a great engine. He wants to learn. It represents our biggest positive point, ”said Gregg Popovich via the San Antonio Express-News, after his second consecutive game with 20 points against the Jazz (22 points, 7 rebounds).

The ardor of youth, with the appetite that goes with it. Prior to the bubble episode, Keldon Johnson hadn’t been particularly prominent during his rookie season. He had shone in the Summer League after the 2019 Draft but then spent much of his first pro campaign with the Spurs affiliated G League team. Today, given what he’s showing at the start of the season, it all seems a long way off. Proof of his rating with Gregg Popovich, Johnson was propelled this year without playing a pre-season game – him who could not participate in training camp because of a sore foot – and this despite the return of LaMarcus Aldridge, unavailable at Mickey’s. Bryn Forbes ‘departure and Derrick White’s injury issues (six out of seven forfeit) have worked in his favor but something tells us little Keldon isn’t ready to let go of his place in Spurs’ five, even when White comes back from the hospital wing. In any case, the progression of the player trained in Kentucky and the increase in responsibilities that accompanies it are among the great satisfactions in the Spurs camp since the takeover. We’re talking about a 21-year-old kid who finds himself defending on Kawhi Leonard, a kid already very solid when it comes to attacking and finishing in the circle, a kid who progresses in his outdoor shoot, all this without ever getting household. The opposing teams are warned, they will necessarily adapt and it will be up to Keldon to make sure to stay one step ahead by developing all of his game, today characterized mainly by drives, a little shooting. at 3-point and defense. Let’s go Mustang.

With his very solid performances, Keldon Johnson shows at the start of the season that he is ready to take the steps one after the other to become an important part of Spurs’ future. A word of advice, remember its name.


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