36 M € for sport in working-class neighborhoods

At the initiative of a group of mayors, including those of Grigny and Roubaix (North), eighty elected officials from all political stripes will meet on Monday February 1 in Garges-lès-Gonesse (Val d’Oise) to launch a ” Grenelle on education and inclusion through sport “. They will be accompanied by several athletes including Basile Boli, former international footballer, Muriel Hurtis, quadruple world medalist in the 200m and 4x100m and Larbi Benboudaoud, director of high performance of the French Judo Federation.

Athletes and elected officials will formulate ten proposals for sport in working-class neighborhoods, including “un emergency fund to support socio-sports associations », « an ambitious plan of 10,000 jobs geared towards sports associations having a social impact in the neighborhoods ” or ” the training of 5,000 coaches for integration through sport with federations, cities, associations and companies ».



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