Will hugging players soon receive a yellow card or a fine? “There …

Photo: Vincent Van Doornick / Isosport

Players who put their heads together and cuddle after a goal: in corona times it bumps more and more people – who do have to keep their distance – against the chest. The Pro League realizes that and is looking at whether penalties are possible on Wednesday. According to Anderlecht CEO Karel Van Eetvelt, that is the only way to stop it.

“I am concerned about the behavior on and around the field,” says Van Eetvelt. “I’m not just talking about those lockdown parties, which of course not done is, but also about those celebrations. Footballers may be tested, but they have to set a good example much more. Also ours. Before every match we give guidelines with the players and we tell them to stop hugging. Often they listen, but not always. And public opinion no longer accepts that, you can feel and read that everywhere. We really have to realize that we are privileged to still be able to do our job in times of corona. And so we must respect those who cannot and make a little effort. Beware, I understand that players in the heat of the moment sometimes forget to stick to the guidelines. But that’s why we must consider punishment. ”

Van Eetvelt therefore asked Pro League CEO Pierre François to put it on the agenda of the board of directors, which will meet on Wednesday. There are other proponents of punishment, but there are doubts about its practical feasibility. Van Eetvelt talks about “warnings and yellow cards” that the referee may give. But if five players hug, will all five get yellow? Then fining clubs financially is more realistic. “In any case, something has to be done, because just recommending doesn’t help.”

Anderlecht CEO Karel Van Eetvelt.

Foto: Photo News



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