What could the Cowboys do with the remainder of the season?

The lapidary defeat of the Washington team against the Cowboys has left many doubts not only with the performance of the team, but with the ability of the coaching staff to make decisions that benefit them on the field.

However, the game against the Ravens has been postponed until Tuesday, December 8. This is certainly great news for Dallas, as they will be able to focus on certain things they haven’t had time to think about. Take, for example, the duel for fitness coach Markus Paul. Some of the elements of the organization were witnesses to the medical emergency that the coach suffered. And with the match against the Washington team so close, there was no opportunity for a proper duel. Apart from the injuries to Martin and Erving, this could be a compelling reason why the group did not work at all in their last crash.

Either way, Dallas still has five games to go and what can be done with that remains to be seen. With a 3-8 record, many could take this season for granted and select someone in the draft from the top numbers. However, with the NFC East being run over, they still have a chance to make the postseason. It sounds like an incredible thing, but it is the truth. Washington and the Giants alone have four wins, and they may well slip and give the Cowboys a chance to advance.

The clash against the Ravens leaves many doubts. At the beginning of the season, it was seen as one of the most attractive matches on the calendar. However, with all the Covid-19 situation and the Baltimore locker room, the outcome of this game is not known for sure. Until a few hours ago there were more than 15 infected elements and the number continues to rise. At this point, it’s a game the Cowboys could win, especially since by Dec. 8 it still can’t be determined if Lamar Jackson will be back.

The other rivals on the schedule are the Bengals, 49ers, Eagles and Giants. Two of them are direct division rivals and in the case of the San Francisco team, they are fighting for at least one postseason wild card. Generally speaking, if Dallas wins at least 4 of these five games, they have a great chance of making the playoffs. And if not, while they are going down in their 2021 draft pick, they could at least create some winning culture among rookies.

With regard to the latter, that is something to analyze in detail. Both rookies CeeDee Lamb and Trevon Diggs have made great strides in their first year as professionals. Behind them, both Neville Gallimore and Tyler Biadasz have also done their thing. The same might not be said for Reggie Robinson II, but he has seen no action. The same case of Bradlee Anae, who has been mostly involved is with special teams. Perhaps the only negative case is that of quarterback Ben DiNucci. But in his defense, he was thrown into a Sunday night game without even a preseason game, against the biggest rivals in his division.

We also have the situation of players who would have to renew next year. 2017 Draft veterans Chidobe Awuzie, Jourdan Lewis and Xavier Woods are still fighting for a contract extension next year. It is clear that none of the three has really been up to the task and perhaps the best thing is to let them go and look for talent in the draft. After all, you have to make room for Dak Prescott, without question.

The same case is seen with Andy Dalton. While he had a great game against the Vikings and fought Washington with a makeshift offensive line, perhaps he may be looking to start elsewhere. The Cowboys’ priority is Dak Prescott, and if Dalton doesn’t agree to be a backup for a second year, he will leave. A similar case is that of punter Chris Jones, as Hunter Niswander is seen as the starting alternative next year and Jones would not play for Dallas in 2021.

Either way, both defensive end Aldon Smith and kicker Greg Zuerlein are welcomed. There is no way that none will leave the organization for the next season.

However, the matter of the coaching staff is much more complex. While fans were asking for the head of defensive coordinator Mike Nolan early in the season, improvements have been seen in a body that has left much to be desired. Excluding the meeting against Washington, if positive aspects were seen against the Eagles, Steelers and Vikings, but we will have to wait for the final results and evaluate the statistics. Similarly, we have the case of John Fassel. Who has gone from hero to villain after the fake punt that he ordered to execute in the game against Washington.

It is very likely that some coaches will not return for next year, taking into account the results. But as already stated, it will depend on what these last five encounters do. If the results are extremely negative, not only in numbers but also in presentation, a few could be out of work by 2021.

Either way, there is still a season left and we have to see how the Cowboys will perform in this final stretch. If they are going to go for one of the first draft picks or if they are going to fight for that postseason spot. The first stop will be in Baltimore, we will all be waiting.


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