Val d’Oise. Villiers-le-Bel: judoka Rémi Feuillet aims for the Tokyo Olympics

By Joseph CANU Published on

Competitor and teacher of Judo Club Villiers-le-Bel, Rémi Feuillet won the bronze medal in -90 kg at the African Championships. (© JCVB)

A very beautiful Leaflet

The July 29, 2021, a judoka of Val d’Oise could dispute the JO de Tokyo. Rémi Feuillet, member of JC Villiers-le-Bel, now has a chance to be the lucky winner.

58th in the world in -90 kg, represents the best hope from Republic of Mauritius with Priscilla Morand (42nd in -48 kg).

Benefiting from an Olympic quota ticket, theIndian Ocean Island State will have a choice to make in a few months. Because like his compatriot, the 28-year-old Franco-Mauritian won the bronze medal at the African Championships, December 19 at Antananarivo (Madagascar).

Achievement against Hazem

From the first round, the first feat.

“I beat theEgyptian Ali Hazem (winner of the 2019 African Games). This very physical opponent dominated most of the fight. But I led him to the golden score (overtime) and after six minutes, I scored waza-ari on a continuity ofippon seoi-nage », Says the Beauvillesois, then defeated in the semi-final, not without pushing the golden score to theAlgerian Abderrahmane Benamadi (vice-world champion 2005 in -81 kg and three times African champion in – 90 kg).

58th in the world in -90 kg ,, Rémi represents the best hope of the Republic of Mauritius (© JCVB)

This bronze medal continues his great adventure with Maurice.

In the summer of 2019, he had won the Indian Ocean Islands Games, picked up the African Games bronze medal and reached the second round of World (beaten byAzéri Mehdiyev).

Eight years of ascension

“I was born in Mauritius, during the time my father was the national technical director of the judo team there. I lived there for two years, before living in France when I was 7 years old. I have dual nationality since 2016 ”, specifies the judoka, who joined JC Villiers-le-Bel in 2012.

His father Frédéric is among others the trainer of Messiah Katanga and of Samah Hawa Camara (youth world medalists in 2013 and 2014). With this renowned trainer, the judoka learned the work (up to 10 weekly trainings), increased tenfold his endurance and his ability to adapt.

His varied techniques have ensured him success at senior national tournaments of Trappes (2013) and Laval (2016), at the Coupe Paris-Kyoto (2018) and led him to the quarter-finals of France 1st division 2016 and to the semi-finals of two continental meetings. Current series.


Source of the article: HERE


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