Transfers Cruz Azul | Robert Dante Siboldi would be hours away from being America’s new coach

Well, America already has a coach … or so many believe. From various media, and many other journalists, confirm the arrival of the former coach of Blue Cross, Robert Dante Siboldi, to the bench of America replacing Miguel Herrera, who was removed from office two days ago.

Well, it seems that Siboldi and America have already been cooked! “ESPN reporter Adal Franco wrote via Twitter. And it is that throughout the day the name of the Uruguayan strategist made a lot of noise in the panorama of Las Águilas. The economic aspect was the main obstacle to the agreement, but that issue would have already been resolved and in a matter of hours the official announcement would be made.

Juan Carlos Díaz, a TUDN reporter, was another of those who confirmed the news. Robert Dante Siboldi will be the new coach of Club AméricaThey have been financially fixed and will be announced in the next few hours. “, wrote.

And while the rival in front would be close to announcing their new helmsman, from Cruz Azul they still do not give a clue about their technical director. In the last hours it was known by sources close to the cement club, that from the board of directors They do not want to filter any information that relates Matías Almeyda to La Maquina to avoid disappointment in the fans in case their arrival is not made.

However, The Argentine coach is the one with the most ballots to take over the position left vacant by the now coach? cream blue. “The storm bird is getting very charrúa”wrote reporter Gibran Araige in code.



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