They launch a proposal to create banknotes with the image of Maradona

The death of Diego Armando Maradona continues to penetrate Argentina, two weeks after his sensitive death, the Pampas people do not forget the Argentine star and have launched any number of tributes to “Pelusa”.

From chants, songs, minutes of silence prior to matches, to posthumous documentaries, they are already working in honor of the Argentine star who was Champion in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico.

Who launched the proposal to create banknotes with the image of Maradona?

Now, among so many crazy things that occur to their fans, now, there is a bill to print tickets with the face of the former Napoli player.

Norma Durango, senator of the Frente por Todos (the party of President Alberto Fernández), is responsible for presenting the initiative and in its proposal it establishes that 50 percent of the banknotes of one thousand pesos or higher denomination that are printed in 2021 with a tribute to Maradona.

What image would the bills use?

It is not a joke, they want Maradona in the banknotes that will circulate throughout Argentina and for this tribute, the senator asks the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina to include in the bill has the effigy of Maradona on one front and on the other the silhouette of Diego running in the Azteca Stadium.

If you do not remember that mythical play, Maradona mocks all the English who stood in front of his path from midfield and scored the famous “Goal of the Century”, which the English fans do not forget.

They would also include stamps and postage stamps

The proposal is not only about the tickets, it also includes a collection of Maradona postage stamps and these would show a review of the teams in which he played, as well as in the World Cups in which he shone.

The ’10’ bills would be the right ones for Maradona’s image

Before the proposal, Fans have made themselves felt on social networks and ask that if the bill is approved, the bills are not one thousand pesos, but 10, in reference to the number you used as a player.

Also, For soccer fans, using 10 peso bills goes more with the working and humble class, the one that was always supporting Maradona in life.

On the other hand, in Argentina, the 10-peso bill is currently the lowest denomination, because for years the five peso bill was stopped printing.

The proposal is still being studied and it will be the legislators who will have the last word, if approved, banknotes and stamps would circulate from 2021.


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