There’s the NBA under the Christmas tree

Only started last Tuesday, the new season of NBA immediately goes live with the five games scheduled for Christmas, a Christmas Day which, despite the absence of an audience in the stands, promises a great show with five potentially top-level matches.

Great curiosity for Miami Heat-New Orleans Pelicans: finalist last season, the Florida team comes back with great ambitions and wants to do well against Zion Williamson and companions. The former Duke, finally at 100%, could be the tip of the balance of the match and his double-double with at least 20 points and 10 rebounds is almost obvious. On the other hand, beware of Jimmy Butler and to his realization vein: if it is in the evening the 30 points are guaranteed.

The challenge between fans also tickles the interest of fans Milwaukee Bucks e Golden State Warriors. After the false start against Brooklyn, Steph Curry and comrades want to conquer the arena of the Bucks but they have in their ranks Giannis Antetokounmpo: focusing on Greek as a top scorer is a rather simple affair.

The match between Brooklyn Nets e Boston Celtics: Kevin Durant e Kyrie Irving they immediately showed great alchemy, while the green-and-whites are one of the great unknowns of the season: a victory with a large gap of the Nets would not surprise.

The challenges involving the two teams from Los Angeles will close the long series of Christmas games. Lakers-Dallas Mavericks is also the challenge between LeBron James e Luka Doncic, two players that it is not difficult to imagine in triple double while Denver Nuggets-Clippers is the remake of the 2020 playoff series which surprisingly saw the Colorado team prevail: Kawhi Leonard e Paul George have a poisoned tooth, betting on a performance of at least 20 points by both can be a good deal.

OPTA | 23-12-2020 21:22

Fonte: Getty Images



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