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Election officials warn Trump against further agitation

A senior electoral officer in Georgia has faced persistent questioning of the election results and threats of violence against those involved in the election made an urgent appeal to incumbent US President Donald Trump. “Show your greatness, stop it. Step in, tell your supporters: don’t be violent. Stop threatening. All of that is wrong, it’s not American, ”said Gabriel Sterling on Tuesday (local time) in Atlanta during a statement to the press.

Addressing Trump, the official said: “You have the right to go to court. What you are unable to do (…) is to stop getting people to commit possible acts of violence. ” Sterling warned: “Someone is going to get hurt. Someone is going to get shot. Someone will be killed. “

Sterling did not hide his bewilderment and justified his anger on threats that electoral officials in the southern state would endure. Trump was narrowly defeated by election winner Joe Biden there. A second vote count is currently in progress. However, those responsible do not expect any change in the result this time either. Trump has still not admitted his electoral defeat against Biden and spreads unfounded claims almost every day about alleged irregularities in the election that would have cost him his victory.

Sterling accused Trump and senators of failing to condemn threats. It’s about elections and thus about the backbone of democracy. “All of you who didn’t say a damn word were complicit,” he said. “Death threats, threats of violence, intimidation. This is too much.”

Trump and his confidants have been raising the mood against the electoral officials in Georgia for weeksagainst Republican State Secretary Brad Raffensperger, who claims to have received death threats. Trump himself recently made derogatory comments about Governor Brian Kemp, whom he feels abandoned in his attempts to overturn the election result. On Tuesday he asked him to do something about the election result. “You allowed your state to be defrauded,” Trump accused his party colleague on Twitter. He called on him to call off runoff elections for two Senate seats in January, the result of which could break Republican dominance in the important Congress Chamber. (dpa)


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