The fighter, directed by the French and Norwegians, Krčmář by fifteen, prepared two mistakes at the end

Czech biathlon / Petr Slavík

From the Czech trio at the start, only Michal Krčmář scored points. After three clean items, he arrived at the shooting range with the hope of the elite fifteen, but two shots off target and 300 meters on the penalty round took that hope away. “It occurred to me that it could be a nice location and I lost concentration. As I start to think about every shot, it goes to the flowers, “Krčmář told ČT, who was well aware that only a good run and especially clean shooting will bring him improvement.

In the end, it was 27th place for him and a shift of only four places compared to the start. “Unfortunately, the number two came there at the end, so all of Bimb’s previous efforts were in vain. It’s a pity, it could have kicked him much more upwards, “thought Czech coach Aleš Ligaun and had to admit that Ondřej Moravec and Jakub Štvrtecký did not show a performance that could bring them a point reward.

The Czechia led in the middle of the relays, but Puskarčíková and Charvátová shot down a sensation

From the beginning, the fighter was directed by Norwegian and French men. After the first stop at the shooting range, the biathletes of these two countries occupied the seven highest places, but the pure sprinting Fillon-Maillet was ahead of the sprint winner Dale.

In the middle of the race, all five Norwegians got into the elite eight, but the Frenchman Fillon-Maillet was still leading by nine seconds. However, with the same flawless conduct on the stand, Jacquelin pulled himself as a compatriot. The Norwegian stars paid extra for a worse shooting balance during the constant snowfall. The French pair’s fight for the championship was not decided by the last item, they both gave it cleanly and all 20 shots were accurate. Bronze then saved Dale starter starting number one.

Biathlon World Championships in Hochfilzen – 12.5 km fighter race
1. Fillon-Maillet (Francie)32: 38.7 (0 laps)
2. Jacquelin (France)+25,5 (0)
3. Dale (Norway)+49,5 (2
4. J. Boe (Norway)+58,0 (3)
5. Claude (France)+1:10,2 (3)
6. Lägreid (Norway)+1:18,1 (1)
7. T. Boe (Norway)+1:21,6 (3)
8. Eder (Austria)+1:22,0 (2)
27. The innkeeper (CR)+2:34,9 (2)
48. Moravec (CR)+4:55,4 (5)
49. Thursday (CR)+4:58,9 (7)
SP status (after 6 races)
1. J. Bö (Norway)296
2. Samuelsson (Sweden)246
3. Fillon-Maillet (Francie)237
4. Dale (Norway)222
5. Lägreid (Norway)215
6. T. Boe (Norway)210
7. Jacquelin (France)196
8. Claude (France)188
17. The innkeeper (CR)131
24. Moravec (CR)93
66. Krupčík (CR)1



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