Tensions and controversies, the bench of a big player is already at risk

Ninth place ten points from the first and five from the fourth which would be worth another qualification to the group stage of the Champions League. This is the point in the house Lazio after almost a third of walking in the league, a path that does not satisfy the president Claudio Lotito, for which qualification for the knockout stages of the Champions League does not seem enough.

So after the draw in Benevento in the derby of the Inzaghi brothers, the biancoceleste president, as reported by ‘Il Messaggero’, would have blurted out towards the team and especially the coach Simone Inzaghi.

For the moment the risk of an exemption that would be sensational does not seem to exist, but the last matches of a calendar at the end of 2020 certainly not clement, which will oppose Lazio to Naples and Milan, could also lead to an unexpected turn on the biancoceleste bench for the beginning of 2021.

The Roman daily also reports the disappointment of Inzaghi, accused by Lotito, as well as for the disappointing performance of the team, also for the management of the group, according to the president also at the basis of the conspicuous decline in performance that emerged in the post lockdown: if in fact Lazio were in full swing for the Scudetto before the interruption of the 2019-2020 championship last February, in the summer the Biancocelesti experienced a collapse that even jeopardized the qualification for the Champions League.

The coach for his part, approached several times to the Juventus bench before Sarri and Pirlo’s management, defended himself by appealing to the many injuries that have killed the squad and to a too busy schedule that would have highlighted the numerical limits of the team. organic of Lazio. All this comes after a turbulent transfer session, which led to several missed shots, above all that of David Silva, but also of the defender Marash Kumbulla, blown in extremis by Rome in the negotiations with Verona.

The numbers nailed the biancocelesti to the worst start in Serie A in the Simone Inzaghi era and to merciless figures on the goals collected. With 20 goals conceded in twelve days, the Biancocelesti have the twelfth defense of the championship. To find more negative numbers in a defensive key, we must go back to 1992. The last two games of 2020 will be hot for Lazio.

OMNISPORT | 17-12-2020 10:34

Tensions and controversies, the bench of a big player is already at risk Fonte: Getty Images



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