Steffi Graf’s brother Michael threatens prison: tomorrow’s court appointment – people

Tennis icon Steffi Graf (51) has an unpleasant appointment on his calendar this week: a meeting at the court. In Las Vegas there is serious legal trouble between Steffi and her brother Michael.

Her little brother worries Graf very much. In front of the “Justice Court” in the gambling metropolis, a bizarre legal battle goes into the next round on Wednesday: The “Grand Slam” queen, who is married to ex-tennis superstar Andre Agassi (50), is fighting for the continuation of a temporary guardianship.

She took over this in late summer through her own brother Michael Graf.

The reason: Graf – divorced, father of three daughters and one son – was arrested on August 23 after allegedly threatening a friend with death and seriously damaging a car with a hammer. Among other things, a pane broke.

Two weeks later, Michael Graf rioted in front of the house of a friend’s ex-wife. The police used rubber bullets and a taser to overpower the 49-year-old.

Graf ended up injured in a clinic. He is said to have sustained further wounds while experimenting with chemicals and fire.

Foto: Getty Images Europe

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Steffi Graf would like to extend the guardianship for her brother Foto: Getty Images Europe

Reason enough for Steffi to argue in court that her brother is “underage”. Therefore, she initially took over the guardianship before the Family Division of the Vegas court (case number G-20-053792-A).

Brother Michael defends himself against it. At the “hearing” scheduled for Wednesday before Judge William Potter, the legal tug of war is mainly about an extension of guardianship.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="–mutter-heidi-2-v-l—7e307af75f014a2997e1adecad46afe6-74459532/5,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Ein Familienfoto aus dem Jahr 1988: Steffi Graf mit ihrem Bruder Michael (r.), Mutter Heidi (2.v. l.) und ihrem Vater Peter Graf (†75)" data-zoom-title="Ein Familienfoto aus dem Jahr 1988: Steffi Graf mit ihrem Bruder Michael (r.), Mutter Heidi (2.v. l.) und ihrem Vater Peter Graf (†75)

Photo: dpa

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A family photo from 1988: Steffi Graf with her brother Michael (r.), Mother Heidi (2nd from left) and her father Peter Graf († 75)Photo: dpa

According to BILD information, a negotiation via video links is planned. Due to the corona pandemic, there is no access for people to the courthouse on Pecos Road. Steffi Graf should also be added as the current guardian via video.

Amazing: Torren Graf (25), the son of Steffi’s brother, is the applicant for the guardianship procedure.

Michael Graf is threatened with jail

The situation for Michael Graf is also threatening in the criminal case – because of his freaking out.

In the case (number: 20-CR-019560), BILD has received the indictment from the local public prosecutor’s office. The defendant was guilty of “breaking into, damaging and manipulating a motorized vehicle”.

It was a car of the type “2002 Lincoln Blackwood”, the owner is a certain Richard Taylor. In doing so, the cart should practically be put out of action, so the indictment.

The smashed window is also on the indictment. The damage is estimated at almost $ 5,000 (around 4100 euros).

The maximum penalty for this would be up to one year in prison and a fine of $ 2,000 (around € 1,600). In practice, however, the imposition of a prison sentence is rather unlikely.

After a demonstration before Judge Joseph Bonaventure, Graf was released from custody at the end of August. The bond requirement: He should “not cause any further problems”.

But: Graf did not appear before a judge for the next appointment, so an arrest warrant was issued, which has not yet been carried out.

No further activities are recorded in the court record after this bench warrant was issued on September 22nd.



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