Rondo’s altercation video revealed … the truth is out!

For several days, a rumor has been revolving around a possible altercation between Rajon Rondo and his wife, and one of their neighbors. Now is the time for revelations, since the video surveillance images have just leaked… Suffice to say that the leader risks big!

Certainly, some former Lakers find themselves in more than complicated situations after the title won in the bubble … Dwight Howard, for example, was displayed by his own son in recent months, for an alleged negligence of Superman towards him!

But the Sixers’ new interior isn’t the only one to be blamed. Indeed, barely arrived in Atlanta, Rajon Rondo also got into trouble … As we explained to you last week, the leader would have been at the heart an altercation with a neighbor over the issue of a parking space.

According to the latter, who would have lodged a complaint against Rondo and his girlfriend, the couple would have even physically attacked him… Serious accusations which have just come true, since the CCTV images of the car park in question have leaked on social networks. It smells bad for the Hawks player.

Several disturbing elements in this video… The first is Rondo’s reaction to the growing tension. If he seems to push the woman at first, then secondly tries to separate his girlfriend from her, he quickly takes a step back and observes without doing anything. Even worse, before his girlfriend throws himself on the victim, the leader has a gesture that strangely resembles that of a referee in a ring to signify the start of a round.

So obviously, he could very well have dropped something to the ground or whatever, but we must admit that the movement is quite disturbing. In all cases, the couple will have to answer for their actions before a judge.

The victim would have claimed a million dollars to Rajon Rondo’s girlfriend for the beatings. The evidence seems overwhelming, and the verdict is likely to be final …


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