Roger Federer recovers his “RF” logo

London, Dec 1 (EFE) .- Roger Federer has recovered his RF logo, which he lost in July 2018 when he left the Nike brand to sign a lucrative contract with Japan’s Uniqlo.

The Swiss has published a video on his social networks promoting his new Uniqlo caps, on which the RF logo is already sewn, which Federer used for many years when he was still wearing Nike clothes.

The winner of 20 Grand Slam exchanges Nike for Uniqlo in 2018, in a contract of about 300 million dollars and that made him leave the mark that he had begun to wear at the age of 13.

The Uniqlo brand has emerged in recent years as a major sponsor in the tennis world and in addition to the Swiss one, it carries the Japanese Kei Nishikori.

Between 2012 and 2017 he also dressed Novak Djokovic.


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