PSG: Di Meco points the finger at Mbappé!

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Victim of muscle pain after the match against Lorient (2-0) last Wednesday in Ligue 1, Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappé (21 years old, 12 games and 11 goals in L1 this season) only played 15 minutes against in Lille (0-0) on Sunday and remains uncertain for the reception of Strasbourg on Wednesday. And according to information from RMC radio, the French international was initially scheduled to come out on time against Les Merlus, but refused, indicating that he “felt good” when discussing with his trainer Thomas Tuchel.

But the next day, the former Monegasque felt an embarrassment … And the consultant Eric Di Meco deplored this attitude on the part of Mbappé. “In all generations, there are not many players who like to go out, especially the attackers when it can score. There, there is still a problem. He has to think about the management of the season and the interest of his employer. The interest is all the same to be present against Lyon and Lille rather than Lorient. (…) Of course the coach has a responsibility, but the player has a great responsibility! He thought of his personal performance, his interest in putting goals at the expense of playing against Lille, “regretted the former Marseillais.

Read 27.447 times – by Damien Da Silva on 12/22/2020 at 8:23 pm


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