Podcast | The NBA facing the Covid: assessment and outlook

The NBA is making its comeback this week, “only” 73 days after the coronation of the Lakers from LeBron James in the “bubble” of Orlando.

It’s the shortest offseason in history, and it’s a real achievement for the league, as the calendar year was filled with constant uncertainty, in terms of health, sport and economics.

But instability remains as the postponement of the meeting between the Rockets and the Thunder, the cancellation of the All-Star Game or the temporary move of the Raptors to Tampa proved this night. The Covid-19 is not running out of steam and the United States already has more than 320,000 dead.

Does the league have the resources to absorb this period of turbulence, and continue to unite fans around the world?

What consequences for activities directly and indirectly linked to the NBA?

What will be the consequences for the salaries of the players?

What place for the 2021 Olympics?

Analysis and answers in this opus, with NBA photographer Chris Elise, Wulfran Devauchelle (Sport Business Observatory) and Gaétan Alibert (The Strike Out) as guests.


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