Otto Porter appears in an ole-ole party in the midst of a pandemic

In the family “nothing to do with the coronavirus”, we present to you Otto Porter. The Bulls player appeared in an ole-ole evening in the midst of a pandemic, not sure that his franchise takes it very well when we see the drifts of the video.

At a time when the entire planet is still under the domination of the pandemic, all countries call for the greatest caution in the face of the coronavirus. A caution that translates into several instructions, imposed or not via confinements, but all centered on a major point: social distancing.

As you can see, the bête noire of governments are improvised gatherings and parties, where barrier gestures are generally not respected. All the more so if bottles of alcohol slip into the festivities.

Faced with this, personalities from different backgrounds are playing the role of models more than ever, constantly reminding people of the right behavior to adopt. And while some YouTubers stop filming or singers post stories to remind the rules, Otto Porter, he has absolutely nothing to do. Proof with his recent video.

The Bulls player, 27, invites us to discover his delirious evening during the pandemic. Alcohol galore, music, lots of girls, all in a closed room and without any masks: this is the absolutely perfect cocktail to risk a generalized infection with the coronavirus.

Rest assured, Otto Porter still has a sense of responsibility: he makes guests drink by the method commonly called wifi or bluetooth, that is to say by the bottle but without the lips touching (too much) the neck. One less chance for the virus, all is well.

Under these few ironic lines, the behaviour of Otto Porter remains very controversial, especially a few days before the recovery. A sanction of the league or the Bulls is possibly to be expected.


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