NFL: Tom Brady says he would stay at Tampa Bay Buccaneers ‘because of the weather’

After two decades defending New England Patriots, in its first season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the quarterback Tom Brady is about to get once more in the playoffs of the National Football League (NFL), but already think about the future.

At a press conference prior to the game this Sunday, when they visit Atlanta Falcons, the quarterback He was asked where he will continue his career, taking into account that he has a contract for the current competition, and his answer left everyone surprised.

“I was a California native for a long time in my life and I was estranged from it for about 25 years; then, nor did he return to the Northeast. I am liking the warmer weather and it has been a great feelingBrady stated.

Brady close to being on the Buccaneers

Along the same lines, the quarterback added that it’s amazing to be at this point in the season and keep practicing outside. Today turned into a beautiful day and I know Sunday is coming a warm one, so I loved being outside every day.

In the purely sports, Brady also has reasons to stay in the Buccaneers, since he has become in the all-time leader in touchdowns, and in the current season, has completed 64.8 percent of his passes for 3,300 yards with 28 touchdowns and 11 interceptions in 12 games.

It should be remembered that the Florida franchise has a positive record of seven wins and five losses, finishing second in the South Division of the National Conference, with options to reach the playoffs.



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