NFL: fines to be expected at the Panthers for players who violated protocol

Saturday, 12 Dec. 2020. 12:25

The Carolina Panthers intend to sanction players who violated health protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to what has learned ESPN, infractions will lead to fines of at least $ 10,000 for the players involved.

Carolina training put eight players on the list for COVID-19 on Monday. Receivers DJ Moore and Curtis Samuel, defensive tackles Derrick Brown and Zach Kerr, linebacker Shaq Thompson, tackle Greg Little, kicker Michael Palardy, and wide receiver on practice team Ishmael Hyman all found themselves on the list after the team’s week off.

Six players have since regained their places in preparation for Sunday’s game in front of the Denver Broncos. Only Moore and Kerr remain on the list at this time.

The Broncos also fined their quarterbacks last week when they failed to comply with health measures.


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