New sports activities for the UNSS

Since the beginning of the school year, the section of the UNSS (National Union of School Sports) at Les Fontaines college has been offering new sports activities (Ultimate, women’s football section, etc.). They are practiced every day of the week between noon and 2 p.m., in order to allow as many students as possible to participate. The UNSS of Bouillargues thus has 150 graduates, or nearly 20% of the college’s workforce.

For the time being, the five teachers of EPS (Physical and Sports Education) compete in ingenuity to adapt to the constraints linked to the availability of facilities and sanitary measures. Sandra Julien, with a lifeguard diploma, takes care of the 35 students who usually meet at the Nemausa pool for advanced training or synchronized swimming: “While waiting for the next reopening of the pools, we are adapting with badminton sessions as today. Moreover in 2018, one of our students became departmental champion. The UNSS allows to develop coordination and motor skills but also to live great adventures with access to challenge and competition. “

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