Melania Trump criticized for showing off New White House tennis court amid tragic pandemic

Yahoo News

In Mexico City it seems that they were told to go out and get infected (PHOTOS)

MEXICO CITY, December 6 (EL UNIVERSAL) .- There is no orange traffic light at the limit due to Covid-19 in the Historic Center of Mexico City. For the capital’s inhabitants it is a green color, that is why they crowd the streets to go to the Christmas pilgrimages and they have time to walk with the family or eat on the sidewalk.A few hours after the Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, warned that there is a critical moment due to Covid-19 and asked the population to stay home, Yesterday thousands of people gathered again in the first square of the City. No one kept a healthy distance and did not care if the visitor next door was wearing the mask or if it was removed to spit or smoke a cigarette. people who visited the Historic Center to buy different products, such as Christmas trees or spheres, was on the rise as the hours passed. EL UNIVERSAL toured the streets at noon and found that the call to stay home was not re Spectated by people. On Saturday, Pino Suárez avenue was impassable, people got off the sidewalks to avoid those who were walking slowly looking at the sideboards. On one side of the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) On Venustiano Carranza Street, there was little space to stop. The number of people generated confusion for the coordination between auxiliary police officers and workers of the capital government, because for a moment they did not know whether to allow only entry or exit. “No, What does the boss say that now these streets are on the way out and on that side, “commented a uniformed man, while people walked with huge bags, Christmas trees, spheres, they ate basket tacos on the sidewalk, and even their legs were resting tired on the asphalt. In the streets of Mesones, Republic of Uruguay, Correo Mayor, you had to go step by step, to move forward. Mrs. María de la Luz told this publishing house that the gen You don’t mind the new call to stay home and go out as necessary, since the holiday season encourages them to be outside. “No, they didn’t respect him at all, there are too many people. I think that in the next few days it will be the same, it is the month of more purchases, everyone is seeing what they need for the end of the year, it is inevitable to leave, “he considered. For Marco Antonio, the call made by the Government to stay at home It did not mean something for the citizens of the capital, he assured that his family had already suffered a Covid-19 contagion, so when they go out they try to do their activities quickly, to return to their home and said that they can replicate that You should also see: Hero without cape (but with cassock): priest brings stray dogs to mass to be adopted The controversial blinking in the Chivas vs León prison that raises suspicions of cheating and conspiracy The photo of a Mexican deputy who took shine, once again, the machismo of Mexicans


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