Media: Schalke brings Kolasinac back

Sead Kolasinac is about to return to FC Schalke. According to information from ‘Sky’, the Bundesliga club will loan the left-back from Arsenal until the end of the season. In London, Kolasinac still has a contract until 2022.

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The financially troubled Schalke can lift the deal because the 27-year-old waived his salary and Arsenal took over part of the payments. According to ‘Sky’, the transfer could be officially announced in the coming days.

Kolasinac had already played for Schalke between 2011 and 2017 before moving to London. The Bosnian (35 caps) is out there this season and only appeared once in the Premier League. S04 was already in the last transfer window at Kolasinac, in the second attempt it seems to work with the reunion.


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