Massive attendance achieves the regional Padel in Peñuelas

In the paddle courts of the new Coquimbo Tennis Club, the championship of that discipline began to be played, which brings together pairs from different corners of the region in its different categories.

The movement began very early on Saturday, although the first matches are played from Friday afternoon on the three courts of the sports complex, matches that lasted during the day, since more than a hundred couples were registered, a figure that left very happy to the organizers who did not expect such a positive response as it is the first tournament in the new premises.

Rodrigo Silva, a prominent player in the area, comments, indicated that the competition is being developed in the Padel Mar that works in the new facilities of the Coquimbo Tennis Club that allows the development in a comfortable space of the discipline, which has been one of the first to reactivate after the advance to phase 4 product of the pandemic.

He commented that this Sunday’s program will include meetings during the day to advance the phases and reach the semifinals and finals in the afternoon, so he extended the invitation to those who can attend while maintaining the required health protocols.



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