Marcus Thuram’s spit worth (sanction) of IDR 2.5 billion


Borussia Moenchengladbach striker Marcus Thuram must receive a penalty after spitting on the opponent. Thuram’s salary was cut by the club for it. Duh!

Thuram started when Gladbach hosted Hoffenheim at Borussia-Park, Saturday (19/12/2020), in Week 13 of the German League. Gladbach took the lead through a Lars Stindl penalty in the 34th minute, before being equalized by Andrej Kramaric in the 75th minute.

Well, the incident involving Thuram occurred in the 78th minute when arguing with Hoffenheim defender Stefan Posch. Posch then fell and then wiped his face.

It turned out that before that Thuram had spat at Posch and the incident was caught on VAR cameras. Thuram afterwards was immediately red carded and made Gladbach finally lose 1-2, due to a shortage of players.

This incident caused Thuram to be heavily criticized which would lead to heavy sanctions by the German Football Federation. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, spitting is a high violation because it can transmit the virus.

Before the sanctions down from the DFB, Thuram had received first punishment from the club. Gladbach had already fined Thuram one month’s salary.

With Marcus Thuram’s salary of 1.8 million euros per year, he is likely to be fined around 150 thousand euros or Rp 2.5 billion. This is the biggest fine Gladbach has ever given his player.

In the past, Gladbach also fined Raul Bobadilla in 2010 of 50 thousand euros for insulting the fourth official.

“I’ve had a long talk with Marcus this morning, he again apologized to me and the club for his actions,” said Club Sports Director Max Eberl, as quoted by ESPN.

“We have known Marcus for almost two years, we know his background and family. His actions yesterday were not his true nature. Marcus was very disappointed and he made sure there was no intention of spitting on Stefan Posch. At that time he was really emotional,” he continued.

(mrp / then)



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