Marcelo wants a change: ‘sign’ Marcos Llorente’s personal trainer | LaLiga Santander 2020

LaLiga Santander 2020-2021

Friday, 4 December 2020 – 17:50

The Brazilian full-back has been placed under the command of Adolfo Madrid, coach of several footballers in the Santander League and guilty, in part, of the extraordinary physical change of the rojiblanco midfielder.

Marcelo, in a training session this week.

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“Six years ago, Jos Luis Llorente he told me he had a nephew playing in the Castile. ‘Tell him to come this way, “I replied. And a thin boy appeared who had just had two wisdom teeth removed. I put a number of sticks in his training … But he held on, and until today.”

Adolfo Madrid explains to this newspaper how he started training with Marcos Llorente more than five years ago, when the young Spanish midfielder still had not made his debut with the first team of the Real Madrid. I grew up with him and accompanied him in all the adventures that the footballer has had until what he is today: player of the Atltico de Madrid and of the Spanish selection. And in the midst of all that, an extraordinary physical change thanks to the personal work of the soccer player in all his teams, and to the orders that Madrid has been giving him outside the clubs.

Over the years, the range of the Madrid fitness coach has expanded to many players: “My marketing has been word of mouth,” he explains. Javi Martnez, Ibai Gmez, Luis Milla, Emi Buenda, Eric Garca, basketball players and even other sports. And now it reaches Marcelo Vieira, one of the captains of Real Madrid.

The Brazilian defender, highly criticized by the white fans due to his latest performances on the grass, has decided to put himself at the command of Madrid to try to achieve a physical change that will allow him to regain form and ownership in the team led by Zinedine Zidane.

“I have permanent contact with them and I try to see as many of their matches as possible, “Madrid told El Mundo a few days ago.” What evolution they are having and what physical behavior they show. And I don’t do it alone, we have a work team behind with physical trainers, game analysts, doctors, mental issues … “This step forward from Marcelo, moreover, comes after Real Madrid has been the team of Santander League with a greater number of injured players in the first eleven days of competition: 17 ‘white’ footballers have had to go through the club’s nurse, four more than Osasuna, ‘second’ with 13.

“Weekly I send them what they have to do the following week. From Monday to Wednesday I prepare all the training sessions for the following week depending on the games they have and whether they are going to play or not. The player, whoever he is, belongs to a club and the most important thing is that he performs. He seeks the best for his career and sometimes those individual training sessions cannot be attended in the teams because they have little capacity “, Madrid summarizes about his work method.

Together with Llorente, Madrid has launched the project AM Elite Programs, an ‘elite’ training focused on ordinary citizens. “I have come to this working method after 25 years. It is an initial method, a functional training that is based on exercises where the ‘core’ is permanently worked and the interconnection with joints, where you work the whole body and prepare for movement “, he explains.

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