Marc Márquez, operated for the third time on the humerus

Marc Márquez has undergone surgery for the third time on the right humerus that was fractured on July 19 in Jerez. The Catalan rider, six times MotoGP world champion, will be out for at least five more months, so his reappearance will be delayed, at least, until May 2021, when next season’s World Championship is scheduled to start at the end. March and until May 2 (Spanish GP in Jerez) three races will be held.

Márquez underwent surgery for a pseudoarthrosis of the right humerus at the Ruber Internacional clinic in Madrid, after having undergone surgery in Barcelona on the two previous occasions. The operation carried out in the capital lasted for eight hours. “Marc Márquez has undergone surgery again due to stagnation in the consolidation of his fracture, which has not improved with a specific shock wave treatment,” reported Repsol.

The surgery, carried out by a team made up of doctors Samuel Antuña, Ignacio Roger de Oña, Juan de Miguel, Aitor Ibarzabal and Andrea García Villanueva, consisted of removing the previous plate and placing a new plate with the contribution of Iliac crest graft, associated with a corticoperiosteal free flap.



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