LIVE: Onuachu kicks Genk ahead against Waasland-Beveren | Jupiler Pro League 2020/2021

  1. 24 ‘- Goal – Paul Onuachu (1 – 0)

Racing Genk closes the year with a home game against Waasland-Beveren, which is back on the ground after two defeats. At Genk, the game is all about saying goodbye to Joakim Maehle, the Dane will move to Atalanta Bergamo in January.

  1. 38′first half, minute 38. First substitution. Nicky Hayen intervenes before the break: Sinani is getting ready to fill in in a moment. .
  2. 37′first half, minute 37. Waasland-Beveren is no longer involved after an excellent start to the match. Genk goalkeeper Vukovic has been idle for a while now. .
  3. 32′first half, minute 32. Bongonda now takes on the role of declarant with a low cross for Onuachu, who again comes in just too late. .
  4. 29′first half, minute 29. Bongonda against the post! Waasland-Beveren is suddenly completely pushed away. Bongonda can play freely on the edge of the box, his place ball flakes off the outside of the post. .
  5. 27′first half, minute 27. Racing Genk is in a hurry and now wants to get the job done quickly. Stef Wijnants on Radio 1.
  6. 26′first half, minute 26. Onuachu is late. Genk presses on. Ito is cleverly released on the right, his cross is just too sharp for the incoming Onuachu. .
  7. 25′first half, minute 25.
  8. 24′first half, minute 24. Onuachu with the stifter! Racing Genk immediately hits the spot with its first chance of the match! With a few quick taps, Onuachu is completely unlocked, and he sticks the ball nicely over Jackers. Nice goal from the top scorer! .
  9. 24′Goal in the first half, minute 24 by Paul Onuachu of KRC Genk. 1.0.
  10. 24′first half, minute 24.
  11. 18′first half, minute 18. Genk is certainly not rushing to work. The home team patiently plays the ball around, only the last pass will not come out for the time being. .
  12. 16′first half, minute 16. After fifteen minutes of playing football, we still have to wait for Racing Genk’s first chance. In the meantime, Waasland-Beveren already forces his third corner kick, but it remains without consequence. .
  13. 9′first half, minute 9. Bongonda slips into the box the first time from his right flank. He plays Ito, but he cannot control the ball. .
  14. 7′first half, minute 7. Vukovic at work. The second attempt also comes from Waasland-Beveren. Genk has Koita, who is nevertheless known for his dangerous long shots, just dock. Vukovic punches away. .
  15. 6′first half, minute 6. There is a lot of wind in the stadium, but both teams have little trouble with that, because they mainly play on the ground. Stef Wijnants on Radio 1.
  16. 5′first half, minute 5. Khammas high over. The first feat of the party belongs to the visitors. Khammas starts from the second line, the ball blows into the stands. .
  17. 4′first half, minute 4. Slow start in the Luminus Arena. Genk claims the ball, but does not immediately find depth in his game. .
  18. 2′first half, minute 2.
  19. 1′first half, minute 1. Kick-off. Here we go! The first whistle from ref Van Damme sounds, the visitors kick the game going. .
  20. 1 ‘first halffirst half, minute 1 match started
  21. 15:50beforehand, 15h50. Remarkably, at Waasland-Beveren there are four players with a Genk past in the team: Nordin Jackers, Dries Wuytens, Amine Khammas and Jenthe Mertens. .
  22. 15:45beforehand, 15 hours 45. Outward lap: 1-1. On matchday 8, Waasland-Beveren kept a point in the home game against Genk, thanks to a goal from Vukotic deep in injury time. Onuachu had opened the score halfway through the second half. .
  23. 15:25beforehand, 15h25. Four changes at Waasland-Beveren. Nicky Hayen moves with the pawns after the defeat against Antwerp: Vukotic, Mertens, Heymans and Khammas appear at the kick-off. They replace Gamboa, Sinani, Mandjeck and the suspended Wiegel. .
  24. 15:11beforehand, 3 pm 11. Maehle himself indicated that he was more concerned with Atalanta than with us. I can understand that. I only want players on the field who are fully focused on this club. John van den Brom.
  25. 15:06beforehand, 3 pm 06. Joakim Maehle starts on the couch. No Maehle in the base at Genk: the retiring Dane has been declared fit, but his thoughts would be too much in Italy. Cuesta is back again, Kouassi has to give up his place. .
  26. 14:47in advance, 2 pm 47. In advance. Racing Genk closes the year with a home game against Waasland-Beveren, which is back on the ground after two defeats. At Genk, the game is all about saying goodbye to Joakim Maehle, the Dane will move to Atalanta Bergamo in January. .
  27. Beforehand, 2 pm 47
  28. Opstelling KRC Genk. Danny Vukovic, Daniel Muñoz, Carlos Cuesta, Jhon Lucumi, Gerardo Arteaga, Bryan Heynen, Patrik Hrošovský, Jere Uronen, Junya Ito, Paul Onuachu, Theo Bongonda
  29. Setup Waasland-Beveren. Nordin Jackers, Brendan Schoonbaert, Dries Wuytens, Aleksandar Vukotic, Jenthe Mertens, Leonardo Bertone, Daan Heymans, Amine Khammas, Aboubakary Koita, Michael Frey, Alessandro Albanese
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