Killian Hayes involved in Pistons’ defeat receives heavy support

Killian Hayes had a mixed start with the Pistons this Wednesday. If he showed some great promises, he was also involved in the defeat of his family against the Timberwolves (111-101). After the meeting he has received heavy support, confirming he’s in the perfect franchise.

It’s official: Killian Hayes is an NBA player! And not just any, since he occupies a prestigious role being the titular leader of the Pistons, succeeding some big names like Isiah Thomas or Chauncey Billups. He’s not there yet, but putting his name on this list is an accomplishment in itself.

For his first meeting, the young Frenchman has also shown in a few sequences that he has immense potential. In addition to his 7 points (3/6 shooting), he showed on his 3 assists all his science and his vision of the game. On the other hand, he also showed some natural limits for a rookie.

Late in the game, when the score was tight, Hayes lost some important balls, allowing Wolves to take off. In the end, the French lost 4 balls, or 1/3 of his team’s total. But don’t panic, he has the full support of his coach Dwane Casey.

Dwane Casey asked Killian Hayes to hold out on the floor after some costly loss of the ball. He also highlighted the mobility of Ricky Rubio: “Unfortunately, these losses of ball took place at a crucial time. But that’s the reason he plays. So that he learns and becomes better in these situations. “

The bad news, if you can call it that, is that Killian Hayes still has a long way to go before he becomes a benchmark point guard in the NBA, which is ultimately not surprising. The good thing is that his coach is ready to support him and give him time to learn from his mistakes. The French leader has fallen into an ideal situation!

Killian Hayes is going to make mistakes all season long, and everyone in Detroit knows that. The question is above all to know how it will progress and at what pace it will erase its imperfections.


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