“It may be one of my last options to be in a final”

He has reached the semifinals of the Four and a Half in an almost “unexpected” way. The resignation of Mikel Urrutikoetxea allowed Bengoetxea VI to stand in the absence of a step and the Navarrese wants to take advantage of his opportunity. At 36, he is aware that Saturday at the Bizkaia fronton “may be one of his last options to be in a final”, something that is one more motivation in the duel against Altuna III. “It is something very big, a beautiful game, and I face it with all the enthusiasm in the world,” he acknowledges.

Two strikers with quite similar characteristics face to face. It is not the first time that they measure their strength, and when they have done it the show has been almost assured. The final they played four years ago at this distance is still on the minds of many fans., which took Leitza’s for a bit. Or the semifinal two ago in which Amezketa’s returned the coin. But the trajectory of one and the other since then has been different. «At 24, Altuna III is at its best. It is the number one. A player who offers many guarantees and hardly plays bad games, “said Leitza.

However, Baiko’s wants to shine in a duel that he does not doubt qualify as “a final”. “I have to take risks, but I am not afraid”, aim. Consider that it can be a “crazy” encounter like most of this distance where air and angles are searched a lot. “I need to be very fast and intuitive, and when we get into the pictures in front we will see who gets it right,” he said.

Generate doubts

Altuna III knows that his rival “will really want to play this game”, and that he has enough experience to force him a lot. But the Gipuzkoan arrived at this moment of the competition after clearing the doubts in the distance and recovering the positive dynamics after the defeat in the Manomanista final. He no longer wants to dwell on this matter. «It is no use regretting what I have not achieved or thinking about what I want to achieve. I have to focus on this duel », he stressed.

They are separated by a dozen years, but the physical aspect does not believe that it can take its toll on the Navarrese. «Today we are all very well prepared, so you have to be mentally well and read the moments of each crash well, “he summarized. From his point of view, Bengoetxea VI has always believed in his game, “and a player like this raises doubts among rivals.” “The last few years still risk more and so many incredible,” he said. Getting him out of the truth squares will be one of the slogans he has set for himself. “I will try to be aggressive so that he is not comfortable, and we will see how we both come out at first.”

There were no problems in the choice of material held yesterday. They both found what they were looking for in the basket. The Navarrese’s leathers are a little faster on the ground than those of his rival. “On Saturday the balls will not win the match”Altuna III noted.

The individual of the punta basket will be played in three days in Berritua

The individual of the top basket, organized by the World Council, will repeat the venue. The fronton Mendibarren de Berriatua will host a championship that will not have some of its main figures because they are playing in the United States. It will last for three days. On Saturday (6:00 p.m.) the quarters are disputed. Antxon will face Hormaetxea and Arbe will face Aaron. The winner of the first duel awaits Aimar in the next round, and the winner of the second, Beaskoetxea. The final will be on January 2.



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