Harden, Wall and Cousins ​​play together for the first time

James Harden is already on the track. After the controversy caused by his parties, which took place while the NBA recommended to remain in quarantine for the new season, the 2018 MVP was finally able to put on the Houston Rockets jersey to play his first minutes of preparation with his new companions.

With San Antonio Spurs as a rival, La Barba played 21 minutes to close his night with 12 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists. The numbers are the least in your case. In Texas they yearn to keep him on the team – he asked to leave in November – and that he’s already playing with them I can’t help but help make that goal come true.

In the absence of knowing his future – for now he has not spoken to the media – last night he met Johan Wall and DeMarcus Cousins ​​for the first time on the track. If we go back 3/4 years, this conjunction of elements would sound like fantasy. For now we do not know what level they could reach together, but the mere fact of naming them in the same quintet without a doubt makes the illusion go off. Right at the end of the game, which the Rockets won, 112-98, it was Wall who did talk about Harden.

“At the last minute, he will do what is best for him and the organization will also do what is best for them. The most important thing is that when we step on that court or start training, we concentrate on basketball, ”he explains.

In any case, it does not appear that Wall’s arrival on the team will be decisive in Harden’s decision. As reported days ago ESPN, the landing of the former Wizards has not changed La Barba’s situation at all. Perhaps on paper it is so, but it will be the results that dictate if what now seems like a tense wait until Harden’s goodbye ends up becoming the path to his full involvement in a new project with Houston.

(Photograph by Mike Ehrmann / Getty Images)


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