Filip Joos about unbeaten leader AC Milan: “They control their matches” | Series A.

With 26/30, AC Milan is still the unbeaten leader in Serie A after last weekend. “There is something about Milan”, Filip Joos says about the success of Alexis Saelemaekers’ team. “It is actually a mix of young talent and the Ibrahimovic factor, which should not be underestimated.”

“There is really something about Milan”

Since the resumption of last season in June – after the corona break – AC Milan has not lost in the competition. Last weekend, Sampdoria went for the ax 1-2. The Saelemaekers team may not always play top football, but it doesn’t leave much behind.

“Don’t always play well, there is something about Milan”, says Filip Joos. “They control their matches, they play more orderly than their opponents. I think it’s a nice team to watch, they just have the wind in their sails.”

Milan has the wind in its sails. They play more orderly than their opponents.

Filip Joos

“It actually starts this summer with Rangnick who would come to coaching at Milan, while the current trainer Pioli had already turned things up a bit last year.”

“Rangnick did not come in the end, because breaking point was that he wanted Ibrahimovic away. Milan defender Kjaer also said afterwards:” I was praying the whole time that Rangnick would not come. “Pioli stayed and is now doing great. seen what Zlatan is still capable of. “

“You shouldn’t underestimate the influence of Ibrahimovic. Obviously not on the field, but also not next to it. Even now that he’s injured, he lifts the entire squad. It’s ridiculous things, but he gives his teammates a PlayStation and those guys go. then happy home. “

“Young players like Saelemaekers are doing well”

“At Milan they also buy really well. They have passed the 21-year-old Hauge and he scores easily. That must be a phenomenon and if that is true, the Norwegian national team will become the new Belgium. Because they also have men. like Haaland and Ødegaard. “

“The youngsters of Milan are doing well. Saelemaekers (21) is now a basic player. Saelemaekers’ open-mindedness is something the team needed. The history of Milan does not weigh on him. And then you have someone like Kessié (23). ), also a very good player.

“So I get more and more the feeling: be careful, for Milan. They are still not a title favorite, taking the Scudetto would be a miracle, but Inter and Juve also have their problems. Still I still think that Inter will be champion this season. “

I still think that Inter will be champion.

Filip Joos


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