Federer arrived in Dubai to acclimatize with time

Roger Federer, who only played the Australian Open this year and was off the season due to two knee surgeries, is preparing to return to the courts and landed in the last hours in Dubai, his second home. He was already seen in one of the most exclusive restaurants and shopping centers in the area. It’s not just his nine titles and two finals.

While he is unsure about competing at the Australian Open, Believing that he is not 100% fit to do so, Federer came home to the United Arab Emirates to acclimate to the conditions that will be in the early 2021.

While the Swiss focuses primarily on the Olympics since it means a lot to him both professionally and personally, his return to the courts is not something minor.

At the awards Swiss Sports, Federer said he is looking forward to the season and his objective is focused on the Grand Slams and the Tokyo Games.

Curiously, The Olympics begin on Roger’s twins’ birthday (July 23) and end on the legend’s birthday (August 8). With high expectations, everyone awaits the return of the king of kings.



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