Duque proposes to create category C; Carlos A. Velez, against

In one of his pronouncements, the highest president of the Colombians expressed that he spoke with Ernesto Lucena, Minister of Sports, to start managing the creation of category C.

“I told Minister Lucena to sit down with the president of Dimayor and that we put ourselves in the task of building the whole procedure so that hopefully in the year 2021 we will have the birth of the third division of Colombian soccer “, expressed Ivan Duque.

In this regard, the commentator Carlos Antonio Velez showed his opposition to the approach in ‘Planeta fútbol’, an Antenna 2.

“Speaking of selling smoke, I know that [Duque] He does it with a very good intention because there are very informed people around who are giving him a primer. I refer to the presidential announcement on C. It is very popular to say let’s make a C, which is sportingly necessary, but is that feasible? “ initially aimed.

And argued: “If it is difficult to articulate a first and second tournament, that are full of poor people, are we going to put more spoons in that pot? “

Then he said that the money for a new category cannot be provided by the National Government, nor by the Dimayor: “It is very easy to give ideas, but the public resource cannot be used on that for all the problems this country has. And who is going to do it, Dimayor? No, there is no reason, let’s not kid ourselves ”.

“It is an ideote, but how do you land that idea? With a ticket and there is none, less now ”, he emphasized.

By last, proposed that the new category be organized by the director Álvaro González Alzate, president of Dif Fútbol, entity in charge of amateur competitions in the country, because if the C is launched in a professional manner, all its resources would have to be in charge of the Dimayor.

“If that’s the criteria, Let Dif Fútbol do it and turn the league tournament into a space for youth. But having a C like we have B and A, that’s very difficult, very romantic, “he concluded.

In audio, the words of Carlos A, Vélez (from minute 13:42):



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