Diego Maradona’s hidden treasure | What the i …

Surely the discussion about the inheritance of Diego Maradona it will take a long time and, almost certainly, extensive news coverage. According to his relatives it implies a millionaire figure in dollars but, in addition to material goods, the greatest idol in Argentine history also left treasured immaterial goods, whose value depends on symbolic values ​​that motivated its conservation.

Part of that treasure, Maradona “hid” it in an object storage company located in the Buenos Aires town of Beccar, where there are objects like gifts from Fidel Castro, eccentricities from Dubai or priceless iconic garments for Maradona.

According to the inventory that was jealously guarded until the legal proceedings of the inheritance begin, there are 200 objects in the container, all impossible to quote to anything other than collector value.


What is the most curious thing in the hidden treasure?

  1. A letter written and signed by Fidel Castro
  2. The guitar with which Andres Calamaro he composed his song for her.
  3. The Platinum Ball that FIFA gave to football legends.
  4. Two armchairs gift from sheikhs of dubai
  5. Ankle boots of different sports stars
  6. A shirt signed by The lioness
  7. Soccer jerseys signed by the teams of Boca and Montpellier (French champion 2011) dedicated to Maradona
  8. Custom costumes that the player wore for various award shows.



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