Baskets Oldenburg clearly win Lower Saxony derby | basketball


Baskets Oldenburg clearly win the Lower Saxony Derby

Oldenburg’s coach Mladen Drijencic gesticulates on the sidelines.

Photo: dpa

Göttingen. EWE Baskets Oldenburg have clearly won the Lower Saxony duel at BG Göttingen in the basketball league.

With the 89:73 (42:31) victory, Oldenburg jumps to sixth place in the table with six wins from eight games. Meanwhile, the BG suffered their sixth defeat of the season.

The guests took the lead in the middle of the second quarter and did not give it up until the end of the game. It became clear after the break. Led by Nathan Boothe, who was the best thrower of the game with 25 points, the away win was no longer in danger. The home side not only lost the game, but also coach Roel Moors. He was expelled from the interior in the final phase.

Rasta Vechta is still waiting for the first sense of achievement. The third team from Lower Saxony that was in action drew the short straw at the Syntainics MBC with 72:82 (27:49). The Weißenfelser led from the tipoff. While Vechta has now started with eight defeats, the MBC has a balanced record.

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