Bad smell in shoes and tennis: how you can eliminate it

It is a real problem, the bad smell in shoes It affects millions of men around the world and that is something that nobody likes, plus it is a sign that they basically became a breeding ground for the nastiest bacteria.

The bad smell in shoes (and feet) is sometimes unavoidable, your feet sweat as you walk and there are times when even if you wear socks all that moisture can make the interior start to smell like old French cheese that can get to cause fainting spells, gestures and headaches in people who are unlucky enough to be there the moment you take them off.

This causes you to feel ashamed and insecure when you have to remove your shoes in public, but you have to know that this is not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene (it can happen even to the cleanest people) and there are a few things you can do to prevent and eliminate the problem If necessary.

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© Senia Effe / EyeEm

Why does the bad smell in tennis and shoes occur?

Clearly this not only happens with tennis you wear to exercise, it can happen with all kinds of shoes and according to the Podiatric Medical Society of San Diego, This is in part because there are 250,000 sweat glands in the feet that produce up to 230 milliliters of sweat each day.

The whole body sweats, but the foot sweat it becomes especially smelly due to being “locked” in shoes for most of the day, trapping moisture and bacteria starting to grow. The bacteria they reproduce more when you don’t give your feet a chance to breathe, this causes them to shift into your socks and eventually your shoes. Some people sweat more than others, and they are the ones who are more likely to have shoes and tennis that do not smell good at all.

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Can the bad smell be eliminated?

It is definitely possible, but for that you must follow some steps, in addition to recommends that you don’t wear the same pair every day, this so that you allow them to sweat dry completely before putting them back on your feet, which is what will prevent bacteria from showing up.

Step 1: prevention

The best thing you can do for your shoes Y tennis is to prevent the problem from showing up and getting out of control in the first place. For this you should always wash your feet well (with soap) and let them dry completely before putting on your shoes. (Start by protecting your sneakers and shoes the right way).

Too it is recommended that you store them in a dry place that does not increase the possibility of accumulating moisture and, if they are washable, you should do it regularly, especially after a very intense workout.

You must keep your rotating shoes (do not wear the same forever) so that the moisture evaporates, you should always wear clean socks and even change them before and after training if you produce a lot of sweat.

Step 2: kill bacteria

Is about disinfect your shoes after using them. You can kill odor-causing bacteria in a number of ways, such as placing your tennis shoes in the freezer overnight (in a plastic bag) or using a special spray to kill bacteria and odor.

The White vinegar It is a good disinfectant, so it is recommended to use a 50/50 spray of distilled white vinegar and water, which you should use on the lining and the sole of the shoe, and then let it dry in the air for at least 30 minutes.

Step 3: goodbye smell

If you are done with bacteria, it’s time to get on with the odor problem. Experts recommend using bicarbonate to neutralize the odor, either by placing it directly on the shoes, or with a coffee filter, a dryer sheet or a piece of cloth with a little baking soda and leaving it in the shoe overnight. The Coal It also works if you put it in some old socks and leave them in your shoes overnight.

Step 4: keep shoes cool

Now you have to keep the shoes smelling good, for that you can place a bar of soap inside the shoes, this will help absorb any odor that may remain. It is important to keep your shoes in a dry place, so you can also put some newspaper inside.

Step 5: throw them away

If your shoes are already too old, dirty, torn and smelly (and these steps no longer work), then it is time to go to the store and change them for new ones.


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