A woman denounced that she was abused at a party in which there were Vélez Sarsfield players

According to the complaint, everything happened in the country road Camino Real, in San Isidro

A 28 year old residing in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Urquiza denounced in the last hours that it was sexually abused in the middle of a party attended by several players from the Vélez Sarsfield club. According to police sources Infobae, the fact would have happened last night in a house in the country road Camino Real, located in the Buenos Aires town of San Isidro, very close to the Pan-American highway, with a complaint that entered shortly after midnight today.

According to the complaint, the abuse of the young woman it would have taken place inside one of the rooms of a house located in lot 56. One of the details that emerged is that Among those attending the party was the soccer player Ricardo Centurión. After the 911 call, personnel from the local Patrol Command came to the private neighborhood and took the victim to the Women’s Police Station, where they filed the complaint. The investigation was in charge of the prosecutor Laura Zyseskind, head of the San Isidro prosecutor’s office specialized in gender violence, the same prosecutor who obtained the conviction of the femicide Fernando Farré.

The file was classified under the crimes of sexual abuse and robbery. As this medium learned, the prosecutors who attended the place seized bedding from the different rooms with procedures in charge of the Scientific Police.

Similarly, the police information indicated that the house had been rented temporarily by a 29-year-old boy identified as Juan Martín Lucero, who was at the time of the episode. Regarding the statements of the victims, it was learned that both Centurión and Lucero were separated from the fact, although they involved a subject named Acuña.

In the center, prosecutor Laura Zyseskind, in charge of the file (NA)
In the center, prosecutor Laura Zyseskind, in charge of the file (NA)

Early in the morning Mariano Lizardo, the club’s lawyer, went to the prosecutor’s office to make contact with the case after learning of the procedures unofficially. Sources at the Liniers institution assure that there is no man with the surname Acuña on their campus and that their position regarding possible abuse will be strict: “If they have to pay, let them pay”states a source of rank.

Vélez is a club that has a protocol established in the footballers’ contracts for these cases. If a case of violence against women is proven committed by the players, they could be automatically sanctioned with the termination of the contract. The first step, prior to this resolution, is the separation from the professional staff. This clause was implemented precisely before the arrival of Centurión to the institution in 2020, since in 2017 the forward was denounced by his former partner Melisa Tozzi for gender violence, although the case was archived.

There is, on the other hand, an account of a witness who claimed that he described the alleged abuser as bald, wearing jean shorts. The witness, a friend of the victim, invited with her to the place, talks about the moment of the alleged abuse but does not describe it. Assured that found the victim “passed out, with a plastic jug in hand.”

For now, Lizardo understands that there are no detainees for the event.

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