Women’s basketball shortlist trains hard

The Sub-secretariat of Sports of the provincial government continues to work with the physical preparation of the provincial teams, whose objective is to compete in the EPADE Games and the Araucanía Games next year.

In this case, the shortlisted for women’s basketball completed his seventh training session and more and more girls are joining the list of players that coach Leandro Guevara has in his portfolio.

After the authorization by the COE of the public and private gyms in Rio Grande and Ushuaia, those selected returned to train in an indoor enclosure, always respecting social distancing and the rules indicated in the protocol, also incorporating the work Singles with a ball, provided that the use of one ball per person is respected.

The responsible teachers diagrammed and adapted the trainings according to the discipline. In the case of women’s basketball, Professor Luis Sofia worked jointly with Leo Guevara and they set up circuits working on defensive and offensive movements and exercises for power and strength.

Last week the training sessions were held at the Jorge Muriel gymnasium, but the Undersecretariat is working to refurbish the Haspen provincial school gym for basketball and volleyball training.


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