Wizards denies talk of replacing John Wall; Casino to join Rockets

In recent weeks, the United States has been rumored that the 30-year-old match manager has demanded that he be replaced by another team. Shim Charania, a reviewer for The Athletic, reported that the Wizards and the Houston Rockets had discussed a possible change in the capital’s club for Russell Russell Westbrook.

However, in a conversation with the media on Monday, Shepard denied that Wols had requested a change to another team. He, Wolley and Bradley Bill have always been on the same page.

“I have no problem with John, just as John has with the Wizards team,” the North American media quoted Shepard as saying.

Waltz made his NBA debut in 2010 and has spent his current career only on the Wizards team. He has not played for almost two years, because on January 8 last year he underwent surgery due to an injury to his heel and chronic Achilles tendon. In the same month, he broke Achilles’ tendon at home in a domestic accident, making it even more difficult for him to return to the square last season.

The basketball player’s contract is valid until 2023, but he signed a new contract with the team in 2017, agreeing on four years of cooperation, the total amount of which is 170 million dollars (148 million euros). The new contract came into force with the previous season.

In the 2018/2019 season, he stood out with an average of 20.7 points and 8.7 assists. He spent his best season before signing the contract, standing out with an average of 23.1 points and 10.7 assists.

Wizards has already reportedly signed a five-year, $ 80 million contract with Bertan on Sunday.

The Wizards had a chance to play in Orlando’s “bubble” last season, where they played eight regular championship games, but the play-off did not.

Meanwhile, Demarcus Casino has signed a one-year deal with the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) unit, the Houston Rockets, reported on eurohoops.net on Tuesday.

The casino has agreed with the Rockets to sign a one-year non-guaranteed contract, revealing it to Mark Spears from ESPN-run Internet resource The Undefeated.

“Grateful for the opportunity and excited about the upcoming,” said the 30-year-old.

A four-time NBA All Star participant in the 2019 mid-season broke the road’s front cross ties and missed the entire previous season.

Earlier, in February 2018, he returned to the field after a broken Achilles tendon injury while playing for the New Orleans Pelicans. The injury caused his market to fall in value, and in the summer of 2018, the basketball player signed a contract with Golden State Warriors for $ 5.3 million (€ 4.5 million).

The casino has managed to score an average of 21.2 points in a career in the NBA, as well as accumulate 10.9 rebounds and 3.2 assists.

He has won the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

New Zealander Steven Adams, meanwhile, has signed a two-year contract for $ 35 million (€ 41.5 million) with New Orleans Pelicans, a New York-based association, according to ESPN viewer Eidrien Vodzhnarovsky on his Twitter account.

The deal is a continuation of a trade deal after a basketball player arrives in New Orleans from Oklahoma City’s Thunder unit.

Vodnarovsky refers to his sources of information in the league.

Since 2013, the New Zealand Center player has been in the Thunder ranks.

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